Image of Vice President of Marketing Mike Curts working on Reporting analytics for clients at Paradigm Digital Group offices


To effectively market a business, it’s imperative to comprehend the analytics that collectively create the big picture. Paradigm Digital Group has established comprehensive reporting processes to aid numerous companies in analyzing the analytics necessary to develop, build, and define their brand.

Website Reporting

Your website is the most valuable asset you provide to users, as it serves as the digital extension of your brand. In turn, it is also your greatest resource when understanding your ideal persona. Examining this data through analytics is vital, as it supplies insight into the user experience and your overall content strategies.

Our team tracks key metrics throughout your website in real-time to accomplish these goals, including SEO Strategies and Keywords, Popular Website Content, and Site Traffic Patterns. Through these analytics avenues, we report on every factor that possesses influence while highlighting the strong points and proposing modifications if necessary.

Key Performance Indicators

Businesses acquire success in various ways. However, truly successful companies have crafted their decision-making operations around data-driven results. These strategies, also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPI), allow teams to create individualized metrics to monitor the progress of their business goals while indicating possible improvements that can be made. They offer internal personnel an outside perspective, giving you the full user experience through analytics.

Our methodological approach to our clients’ KPIs has helped them surpass their target goals while significantly improving their customer satisfaction rates. After establishing your business’s baseline, our team will meticulously create tactical and trackable actions that support your overall operations, informed by analytics. Results will be reported monthly, detailing current efforts and recommended adjustments based on data insights.

Cost Per Acquisition

With copious amounts of analytics available to businesses, it’s imperative to analyze those shaping a business’ overall conversion process. These factors, which include Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), provide insight into how paid campaigns resonate with your target personas. Rather than spending unnecessary funds, this data’s pricing structure allows businesses to only pay for completed conversions. PDG’s team of analysts has constructed systematic conversion methods that help our clients thrive. 

Our techniques combine your business goals and desires with enticing advertising elements, yielding an end-product of high-quality conversions and low acquisition costs. Detailed recounts of these outcomes will be provided monthly, along with refinements as needed. 

Outside Sources

Business decision aspects heavily rely on data insights. Constructing an affluent marketing data strategy requires the incorporation of figures from both internal and external sources. A higher number of sources equates to higher company maturity, translating to increased influence and customer trust, resulting in higher conversions. Paradigm Digital understands this concept and employs multifarious platforms to capture a wealth of data analytics to aid in your business success. 

Along with website analytics, our extensive reporting tactics can include:

  • Call Tracking
  • Video Viewership
  • Google My Business (GMB)

Our team provides thorough interpretations of these results, allowing you to grasp a comprehensive perspective of your business’s online presence.


Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, analyzing your brand presence methods is crucial to overall business success. An effective way to evaluate these marketing strategies is by breaking down the analytics and data that are captured with every interaction from all users. However, without the proper guidance, these figures can become quite confusing and leave your team frustrated, resulting in declines across the board. 

If this situation sounds familiar, Paradigm Digital can help! Our comprehensive reporting techniques allow our clients to decipher the methods that are currently set, detail successful approaches, and offer actionable solutions for others.

Image of digital marketing agency reporting team members engaged in discussion about ideal procedures for Paradigm Digital Group clients


We boast years of expertise in statistical analysis and have developed a strong team of professionals who are eager and ready to help you explore this medium. With us, you can guarantee that all your trackable data will be continually monitored and reported monthly. Do you have any questions?


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